Saturday, May 8, 2010

Could I get you some cheese to go with that whine?

Uuuuggggghhh! Let me warn you now, I'm going to whine the whooooole time!

I had a mini break down tonight. What's new, right? I know! Today I went to a baby shower, expecting to eat a few things I shouldn't, even though I didn't want to and I would regret it later. Well, I was right. I ate what was served for lunch, probably 3 cookies a few bites of cake and 2 small (for real!) cups of Dr. Pepper. Talk about bloated! After eating good for 2 weeks, I had to go and do that! SO, feeling so full, I decided I had better not eat dinner... I didn't really get hungry but that probably wasn't the best choice after weeks and weeks of having SOMETHING at least every 2 hours! I KNOW BETTER! My metabolism is wacked for sure! So when it came time for my workout, boy was I sluggish! I just could not get myself to WANT to do it at all!! I put it in, (tonight was Cardio Power and Resistance) pushed play and did the workout. So why was tonight so different than any other night and why am I complaining? I had to stop so many times to catch my breath, so long at points I completely missed a few of the moves... I wasn't DIGGING at all! Okay, maybe a small little pothole or something, I was really sweaty but I didn't do well at all! I'm so disappointed in myself!

On top of a bad eating day, I'm sooo stressed out! Normal stuff, nothing crazy, just stuff like school, the kids fighting, a messy house (I just CANNOT keep up!!), finances and Sam not being here... I reaaaaaally miss my hubby! :( I honestly don't know if I can take two more weeks of this! I'm exhausted, my mind NEVER stops. I feel like I've got the weight of the world on my shoulders with him not here... like I have to take care of everything!

My head hurts and I can't even see clearly.
Tomorrow we celebrate Mother's Day at my Mom's so I can surely expect a day like today! Sigh...
I need some serious sleep.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yoo hoo, summer legs?! Come out, come out, wherever you are!!

I've been working my butt off and I think it's safe to say I AM BACK!!! It took a little while to get back in the 'habit' of things but I finally did it! I've been so motivated and it's only natual to me to get my workouts in again... no matter what!! I'm seeing small changes already! I didn't weigh in on Monday so I don't know where I'm at weight wise BUT my jeans (size 2, mind you!) are loose and I'm seeing some definition in my legs again. Oooh how I've missed that!!

Speaking of these legs of mine... even though I've got some muscle peeking through, they still have a long way to go. My thighs are just all kinds of bad! I have GOT to slim them down somehow!! My goal is to be comfortable in short shorts and skirts this summer and NOT be ashamed of my legs. I've gone my whole life suffering in freakin 90 degree weather because of these bad boys... NO MORE!!!!

I found a few short workouts online that I've been using; one of them "Attack of the Saddlebags" by Debbie Siebers, which I love! In just a few days I'm noticing a difference! :)


It's really starting to warm up! It was 80 degrees out today (now THAT is my kinda weather!!) so I took full advantage! I laid P down for his nap, Reagan and Aiden played in their sand box and I got to lay out for about an hour and a half! UGH my most favorite part of summer!!!