You better get em fast cause these babies are on fiiiiiiiiiire!
Oh yeah, me and Tony hit it hard tonight! I completed the Back &Biceps workout plus the Ab Ripper X! aaaaaand earlier today I ran off 440 calories on the treadmill! Talk about sweat!!!
I think I'm finally getting the hang of P90X. The mistake I made was going into it thinking I was gonna be a pro... boy, was I wrong! NOW I'm okay with that, it took a few little hissy fits to get me here, but I'm alright, I'm trying my best!
I made my super duper amazzzzing protein shake again tonight!
Recipe as follows:
2 scoops of vanilla whey protein
1 c. cold water
Handful of fresh strawberries (thanks, Mom and Dad! :))
Half of a banana (last night I used a whole one)
1 tbsp. peanut butter
and ICE!
Sooooo good!
Weigh in is tomorrow! I'm kind of scared... I don't know if it's farmiliar thoughts or what but I'm afraid the scale will show me an ugly number. I know I'm working out and taking protein so it's a possibility, I just don't want to fall back into that, everrr! I'll take measurements, too.
'til then, ladies and gents!
Wow Sister,tryin to take over the world? haha way to go. A bear chases you, I think you might win