Yesterday's checklist consisted of: Drink at least 80 oz. of water, at least 3 miles on the treadmill, P90X workout and some other random exercises. What did I do? I surpassed my goal for the water and ended up drinking about 120 oz. I did 2 miles on the treadmill instead of 3, ONLY because it was so late [yeah, that kind of sounds like an excuse, ugh!], completed P90X Chest and Back and did some squats, abdominal twists and curls [if you count only 3 for each arm, haha!] STILL, I did what I intended to do and I feel good about that!
Today I'm aiming for at least 80 oz. of water, at LEAST 1 mile on the treadmill and P90X Plyometrics and Ab Ripper X [I didn't realize the Ab Ripper was supposed to be done yesterday, so I'm doing it today]. Really not looking forward to Plyometrics... last time I tried doing it I cried and gave up. NOT TODAY!!! I have to do it!
So why did I title this "Try your best and forget the rest" ? Because last night as I was doing Chest and Back I kept thinking to myself, "I can't do these! I'm using my leg completely for the "assisted" pull ups and I can only do the standard pushups..." then Tony said "Try your best and forget the rest" and I told myself to suck it up and finish the workout... and I did! I know I'm going to need that for today because, like I said, last time I tried today's workout I cried and gave up.
Soo, that's today's motto!
Let's get it done!
Ps. Happy Birthday, Barbie! :)
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