Monday, April 26, 2010

Could this be progress?!

Things are looking up! I'm staying super focused and super motivated and it's paying off! I lost 4 pounds last week! :)

I set myself a goal of 115, I was 118 Saturday morning, sooooo 3 pounds to go it seems!

I find myself wondering though, can I keep that goal? Weight loss is a sick, twisted game. My first round at weight loss after P was born, my goal was 125... then it was 115, then 110... and so on and so forth. Can I stay happy and work with my appearance at 115? I need to! I don't want to be sucked in again... I guess that's something that will always be in the back of my mind, though, having been down that road before. Sigh..

anyway! Insanity is going quite well! I still pause and take breaks when I feel my heart is failing but I keep at it! I cry regularly... to be quite honest, I like that a workout can make me cry. I WANT IT! OH, you don't even know how bad!

Tonight I found myself thinking, "Is this really worth it? I'm hungry, just stop and pick up again tomorrow, there's gotta be something 'good' to eat out there somewhere!" BUUUUUUT I didn't!! That's important!!! I took a deep breath and I dug deeper. I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life! (That's a good thing since I tried a TEEEEEENY TINY piece of birthday cake earlier today and Mom snuck 4 bite size Reeses into my hand before I left tonight... BUT that's besides the point!!)

I just finished my protein shake and it was AMAAAAAZINGG! I'm feeling better... still stinky, but better! :)

Side note: Sam left for work this morning... only this time he will be gone for THREE weeks! I am not a happy girl! :( I miss him so much already! I feel like it's the end of the world or something and I'm never going to see him again! Ugh. Anyway, my point for writing this is, I guess for the next three weeks I am going to really PUSH myself! I want to be unrecognizable when he comes home again!
Ready to do this!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


So, I think I'm going to make some changes... I can't stay focused! I'm so impatient! I saw results super fast before and I'm expecting the same this time...

I think I'm going to incorporate some of what I now know off of Michi's Ladder and from Weight Watchers and use it for my diet, sticking to around 1200-1400 calories or 24 points. And as I'm doing Insanity, I'm also going to throw in the Ab Ripper and maybe an upper body workout from P90X.

I went and got a bunch of groceries... all healthy selections so I can get back on track food wise...

I got off track the past two days due to the yardsale this weekend but I'm ready for tomorrow...

I'm thinking to start back with Day 1 with Insanity. Clean slate. I hate to start over but I think I need to... plus I like Mondays as a start day for myself!

Anyway, just jotting down a few thoughts... see you all in the AM! :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Raising the bar!

"You don't know what your limits are unless you test them -- unless you keep raising the bar."

Today was day 2 of Insanity. I fought with myself all morning until finally I said, "You buy all these workouts, do two or three days, and QUIT! It's 60 days!! Just do it! ALL 60!" So I got out my Plyo Cardio Circuit and I PUSHED PLAY! It's warm up time... already sweat was dripping, my heart was racing, and I began to question myself! "This is hard!" I kept at it. I got into it and a little over half way through Shaun T walks over to one of the women and says, "You've never worn a sports bra before this have you?!" And she screamed with so much emotion "NO!" and she looked so amazing! I broke out into tears, screamed my way through the rest of the workout and I FINISHED! I finished, I finished, I FINISHED!!!!

Why did I cry? Because I can imagine how that woman felt before she was able to put a sports bra on to workout... to feel comfortable enough. I workout at HOME! I put a sports bra on and THEN put a huge t-shirt on top of it.
I cried because I want this so, so badly! I can't live another day feeling miserable because I can't make myself complete a measly 60 day workout! NO MORE! Today was day 2, tomorrow is day 3, the day after is 4, etc, etc... I WILL COMPLETE INSANITY! I'm eating healthy again and I am NOT giving up!
I'm ready to dig... DEEP!!

"The principle is competing against yourself. It's about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fit Test Results

Okay, Insanity day 1 - Fit test DONE! To be quite honest, it's a workout in itself! Results are as follows: 92 switch kicks, 26 power jacks, 60 high knees, 17 power jumps, 6 globs jumps, 6 suicide jumps, 12 push up jacks and 35 lower plank obliques.

I'm so out of shape, my gosh! I thought my heart was going to pound right out of my chest!!

Anyway, I just finished my protein, I'm hoping to hit the treadmill and weights later! :)

INSANE starting today!

It's been a while! That means I've been SLACKING!! Between Easter, getting things ready for our yard sale, Aiden turning 4, Reagan turning 5 and just about everything else, I stopped eating healthy and exercising. I just couldn't really get into my P90X. BUT (a good but) I got INSANITY! I watched a few of the dvd's last night and I an PUMPED! I cannot wait! THIS looks so much more like my style of workout! Upbeat and fast pace... I can't wait! I start today! Super super excited and ready to DIG DEEPER!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yep! Still fat!

Here it is, folks... this weeks crappy post!

The weather is finally cooperating and I am still fat! Why do I do this to myself?! I haven't been exercising or eating right at all!

Back to it today, hopefully to stay!

Money is tight and I don't have a whole lot of food in the house but I'll make due and try to stay away from the rest of the Easter candy!

Wish me luck... Lord knows I'll need it!