Uuuuggggghhh! Let me warn you now, I'm going to whine the whooooole time!
I had a mini break down tonight. What's new, right? I know! Today I went to a baby shower, expecting to eat a few things I shouldn't, even though I didn't want to and I would regret it later. Well, I was right. I ate what was served for lunch, probably 3 cookies a few bites of cake and 2 small (for real!) cups of Dr. Pepper. Talk about bloated! After eating good for 2 weeks, I had to go and do that! SO, feeling so full, I decided I had better not eat dinner... I didn't really get hungry but that probably wasn't the best choice after weeks and weeks of having SOMETHING at least every 2 hours! I KNOW BETTER! My metabolism is wacked for sure! So when it came time for my workout, boy was I sluggish! I just could not get myself to WANT to do it at all!! I put it in, (tonight was Cardio Power and Resistance) pushed play and did the workout. So why was tonight so different than any other night and why am I complaining? I had to stop so many times to catch my breath, so long at points I completely missed a few of the moves... I wasn't DIGGING at all! Okay, maybe a small little pothole or something, I was really sweaty but I didn't do well at all! I'm so disappointed in myself!
On top of a bad eating day, I'm sooo stressed out! Normal stuff, nothing crazy, just stuff like school, the kids fighting, a messy house (I just CANNOT keep up!!), finances and Sam not being here... I reaaaaaally miss my hubby! :( I honestly don't know if I can take two more weeks of this! I'm exhausted, my mind NEVER stops. I feel like I've got the weight of the world on my shoulders with him not here... like I have to take care of everything!
My head hurts and I can't even see clearly.
Tomorrow we celebrate Mother's Day at my Mom's so I can surely expect a day like today! Sigh...
I need some serious sleep.